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Meet the Reps 2024

The swim team is run by parent volunteers. The committee meets at least twice a year, and otherwise as needed, to develop the budget, oversee coach selection, select Pre-Team coaches, ensure that individuals are assigned to complete essential tasks, and recommend changes in policies and procedures.

Team Rep-Elizabeth Anthony: Serves as MCSL representative and liaison with the Montgomery Village Foundation. Assists “A” and “B” reps with the running of meets. Manages the running of additional meets (All-Comers, Relays, etc).

“A” Meet Rep-Paul O'Donnell: The Representative assists the Meets rep in representing the team at MCSL functions. Manages and makes sure “A” meets run smoothly.

“B” Meet Rep-Lorraine Shaw: Coordinates and schedules “B” meets, Makes sure “B” meets run smoothly.

PreTeam Rep - Elizabeth Anthony coordinates and schedules PreTeam events including the Mini meet, Lollipop meet, tuck in, and Ice cream at the park

Treasurer-Nicole John: Collects money, pays bills and prepares yearly budget.

Registrar-Karla Short:  Manages and collects registration fees. Opens registration via Swimtopia for the season, Closes registration when full.

Social Committee Rep - Maureen Siburt - Plans and staffs social events

Sponsorships/Fundraising - Adam Jacobson 240-506-8289 call/text [email protected] 

Concessions - Open Position 2024 - Plans, shops, and coordinates the Whales Snack Shack

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